Early April

Home Up

April 12 -  The weather reports look pretty poor for my trip next weekend.  At least for the Northern AZ portion.  Being from Southern California, I haven't ever gotten around to getting an electric liner or grips for my bikes.  But I may possibly be close to snow showers.  The forecasts seem to change, and it is possible I may just miss the bad weather.  I am looking at stay in Southern AZ and perhaps going into New Mexico instead.  I also scanned the passport pages onto the computer for safe keeping.  This also let me put them on the pages.  I am looking at some long term luggage.  Right now, I am leaning towards the excursion pack from Revpack.

April 15 - I modified the trip to go further east and skip the Flagstaff "6" stamps.  I will do 3 that I hadn't planned instead.  It definitely looks like snow in Flagstaff.  I can do the 6 stamps that are near Flagstaff as a SaddleSore trip in May.  I leave in 36 hours...